Author Interview: Lisa Adair

Author Interview: Lisa Adair

Lisa Adair is a Saskatchewan author of young adult fantasy adventures and adult mysteries, among other things. She recently released the second book in her Glenmere Box Mysteries series.

Every creative has their own tips and tricks. I was struck by Lisa’s outlining process. It sounds like the perfect approach to writing mysteries.

Her books are available at Amazon , Chapters Indigo McNally Robinson, and others.

You can also find Lisa on Instagram  and TikTok. Check out her website to see where else you can find her. 

Thank you, Lisa, for taking the time to answer my questions!

Question: What is a skill you had to work on in your writing?

Lisa: The most important skill I have learned is to use a comprehensive outline before starting to write the book.  I use a spreadsheet document to track chapter numbers, chapter summaries, point of view, character appearances and key plot points. 

Question: What advice would you give to someone who is trying to write a book?

Lisa: The purpose of the first draft is to write the story. Don’t edit it. It is not a polished draft. My first draft goal is to write forty thousand words. With each draft revision, I add 8 to 10 thousand words of details and background information. 

Question: What do you hope your audience takes from reading your books?

Lisa: I read to escape into another world. I hope to give my readers the same experience. When I talk to people about my mystery series, I tell them the series will time-warp them to the 1980s and they won’t want to leave!


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