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Book Description

In the hands of the right person, music could be a powerful force.

Cedar is haunted by her pull to music, which is forbidden in her country.

Prince Ash seeks the wisdom to protect his people and fight for their freedoms.

The ancient myths believed long ago may hold the answers.

Age Recommendations
Ages 15+
What Readers are Saying:
I very much enjoyed that I couldn’t predict what would happen in this book, and the plot involving music was extremely creative and captivating. ” -Goodreads Reviewer
If you are looking for a tale that is a bit out of the ordinary yet intriguing, this dystopian novel deserves a spot at the top of your list. I highly recommend The Stones Will Sing.” -Goodreads Reviewer
Content Warnings
Note: This is not a comprehensive list

-some swearing
-attempted rape
-on screen deaths (one violent, but not graphically detailed)
-reference to torture