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Book Description
When Sage’s mom dies and her dad abandons them, Sage is helpless to do anything to keep her family together – until she opens a mysterious gate and enters a magical world. She is irresistibly drawn to the violin she finds there, never guessing the power it holds.
Age Recommendations
Ages 10+
What Readers are Saying:
“Over the Dragon’s Wall is a weighty, but beautiful, book for young readers. It’s a pitch-perfect examination of grief amidst emotional abuse: the desire to ask for what you need, dampened by the belief that having needs makes one unlovable. This is one of those rare books that will find the people it’s meant for; some may not fully comprehend Sage’s struggle, but those who have struggled similarly will feel seen and benefit from its gentle message.” -Kara Dennison
“…this is one of the most stunning books I’ve read in a while. It’s rare that I go out of my way to tell friends in advance about a specific review I’m about to post, but this happened here.” -Net Galley Reviewer
“…Listen, if Narnia and Alice in wonderland, were combined, this would be it. I was in for an emotional rollercoaster, and that kept me reading. The representation of how the effects of children growing up faster than they should be, left my NetGalley shelf notes looking like a madman’s writing. Safe to say, when the true plot began, I was having a blast.” -Net Galley Reviewer
“…the flow of paragraphs and the premise (holy COW the premise!), were well-executed, which made the read a quick and enjoyable one.” -Goodreads Reviewer
Content Warnings
-swear words (d**m)
-off page death of loved one
-verbal abuse of children
-physical neglect of children
-on page child abandonment
-late miscarriage (experienced by side character)